Make a difference with Paddle Queensland!

Notice is hereby given (33) days prior that the Annual General Meeting of Paddle Queensland Incorporated will be held as follows:
Date: Saturday, 1st October 2022
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: SYC Oxenford Watersports Centre, 33 Watersports Lane, Oxenford QLD 4210
Virtual: TBS
The agenda for the Annual General Meeting stating the business to be transacted shall be given at least seven (7) days (by Saturday, 24 September) prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, together with any Life Member Nominations, Director Nominations and Notices of Motion received.
Each Affiliated Club may be represented by one (1) Delegate, who may vote on behalf of the Affiliated Club. Affiliated Clubs shall advise Paddle Queensland who their representative is at least seven (7) days (by Saturday, 24 September) prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may include an alternate Delegate where the nominated delegate is unable to fulfil the role. Notification should be in the approved form including the name, address and contact details of the Delegate.
A delegate must:
- Be a member over the age of 18 years of the Affiliated Club and the Affiliated Club
must be a current financial member of Paddle Queensland. - Be appropriately empowered by the appointing Affiliated Club, as per the Clubs
Constitution, to consider, make decisions and vote in proceedings so provided by the Paddle Queensland Constitution. - Not be a Director of Paddle Queensland.
- Not be an employee of Paddle Queensland.
- Not be a Delegate for more than one Affiliated Club.
The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall include:
- Opening of the Annual General Meeting
- Confirmation of Attendees and Apologies
- Confirmation a Quorum is present for the Annual General Meeting to proceed
- The Chair will move that the format and conduct of the meeting be accepted and that any challenge arising from any procedural irregularity in, or to, the conduct of the meeting be waived
- Confirmation of the previous Annual General Meeting Minutes
- Presentation of the 2021/22 Annual Report including Reports of the Office, Board and Committees
- Presentation of the 2021/22 Audited Financial Accounts
- Adoption of the 2021/22 Annual Report including the Audited Financial Accounts
- Election of two (2) Representative Directors
- Appointment of an Auditor for the 2022/23 Financial Accounts
- Special Business as requested including Motions and Life Membership Nominations
- Close the meeting.
Notices of Motions
All Notices of Motion for inclusion as Special Business at a General Meeting must be submitted in writing (in the required form)
to the Executive Officer not less than fourteen (14) days (excluding receiving date and meeting date) prior to the General Meeting.
To submit a Notice of Motion please click here. Please return this form to the Paddle Queensland Executive Officer Scott Sharples
by Saturday, 17 September 2022 via the following address
Board of Directors
For more information on nominating for a Director position on the Board please click here. Please return this form to the Paddle Queensland Executive Officer Scott Sharples by Saturday, 17 September 2022 via the following address
Life Membership
For more information on nominating a person for Life Membership please click here. Please return this form to the Paddle Queensland
Executive Officer Scott Sharples by Saturday, 17 September 2022 via the following address
Club Delegates
Affiliated Clubs may be represented by one (1) Delegate, who may vote on behalf of the Affiliated Club. For more information on nominating
a person as the Affiliated Club Delegate please click here. Please return this form to the Paddle Queensland Executive Officer Scott Sharples
by Saturday, 24 September 2022 via the following address