Wynnum Redlands Canoe Club
The weather was kind for this year’s race, under cloudy skies and a perfect tide.
Our start was over 5 waves which made a spectacular site for our supporters lining Tingalpa creek. It was good to see some 4km paddlers gaining experience and we hope, complete the 10km journey in future events.
Overall winner was Matt Ramke-Meyer 48.07. Our first female to cross the line was Lizzie Hackett in a K1 craft clocking 54.41. Both paddlers were quicker this year and the 2023 times.
As usual, we had a few paddlers come out but, in most instances, safety boats were on hand to assist.
Thank you to all competitors the way you raced, and the courtesy shown to each other.
A big round of applause to the volunteers who contribute so much to make our events a success.
With local council elections completed, our club will recommence discussions about a better solution for the race exit at Capalaba.
Finally, a heads up for our proposed Thorneside Classic event in August 2024.
The results of the 2024 Tingalpa Trot can be found here.